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Know Your Tax Situation?
ProTaxAppeal recommends that your property be reviewed every tax year to determine if you are being fairly assessed.

Property Tax Valuations & Appeals
ProTaxAppeal is a professional property valuation consulting firm that specializes in property tax management, valuations and appeals. As a property tax advocate we review assessments, manage and seek solutions to reduce, maintain, and control property taxes, and if necessary appeal property tax assessments. Since property taxes are one of, if not, the biggest expense related to any property, every property owner should take an active role in managing their property taxes. But most property owners do not want to deal with the complex property tax codes or various government agencies and instead do nothing, which is completely understandable, and actually just the way the taxing agencies want it. In other words government wants property owners to just pay what they say you should pay, no questions asked, and historical data shows that is exactly what happens a majority of the time. Only a very small number of property owners take any action when it comes to their property taxes. The main reason for property owner inaction is the fear of dealing with the government. It is sad but true that property owners would rather pay whatever amount in property taxes then have to deal with government to make sure they are only paying their fair share. Now property owners have an advocate on their side taking on the government and demanding fair assessments for its clients.
ProTaxAppeal consults with and advocates for thousands of property owners yearly by exercising their rights for fair property taxes. Every property owner has the same right when it comes to property taxes and that is to only pay their fair share of property taxes and not a penny more. Do you know if you are paying your fair share? Based on historical data most property owners are paying more, some are paying much less, and very few are paying a fair share. And it is no coincidence that property owners who take an active role in managing their property taxes are much more likely to pay just their fair share or less, rather than paying more than their fair share. And more shocking is that by doing nothing you are more likely to pay more than your fair share because of the way the property tax system was designed.
At ProTaxAppeal we take property tax management to a new level by providing you with the information, knowledge, and services so that you can make an informed decision about actions needed to control your property taxes. We offer a range of property tax services from basic educational information to extensive data research using state of the art software combined with expert knowledge and experience.
If you are a property owner you should take action now and not just assume you are being fairly taxed. Assuming that the assessor is fairly assessing your property is the first mistake that could be costing you thousands of dollars a year. Let ProTaxAppeal determine if you are fairly assessed and if we determine you are over assessed we will file an appeal on your behalf. Click FAQ section for details and fees. The first step in managing your property taxes is to have a professional property tax review done. Click Request Review section for details.

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Customer Service: appeal@protaxappeal.com
Tech Support: webmaster@protaxappeal.com
Phone: (847) 719-8450
Fax: (847) 739-7404
ProTaxAppeal is NOT a law firm or an appraisal company